Our Mission
Aviation Day at the Capitol is a gathering of Kansas legislators, manufacturers, suppliers, and aviation businesses of all sizes. Our mission is to highlight the $20.6 billion economic impact that aviation brings to our state. We provide networking opportunities and industry exposure to ensure aviation continues to grow in a positive and efficient way.
Click HERE for the Agenda (subject to change)
Sponsorship Opportunities are Available -
Due to printing needs, the deadline for Sponsorships
to be included in materials is: Wednesday, February 19th!
*All sponsors will have a display table with skirting and chairs*
All sponsors can add additional guests that will be attending.
Diamond Event Sponsor - $1,000
Gold Event Sponsor - $800
Silver Event Sponsor - $500
Bronze Event Sponsor - $250
Exhibit Only - $0
There is no cost to attend but all attendees must register to be included in the lunch count.
© 2018 Kansas Association of Airports